Portsmouth, VA - 2007 - Presentations & Articles & Award Winners
Trivia Contest Winner:
Fay Vincent Most Valuable Partner (MVP) Award:
- Gay, Timothy - "Barnstorming between Negro League & Major League Stars"
- Heaphy, Leslie - "The Barnstorming Brooklyn Royal Giants"
- Kenney, Rick - "I Wouldn't Go to Florida: Barnstorming and the Dark Side of the Sunshine State"
- Knorr, Ted - "Making the Case for Rap Dixon: Why He Belongs in the Hall of Fame"
- Lester, Larry - "Negro League Research: What Still Needs to be Done?"
- Liscio, Stephanie - "Forgotten Champions: The Integration of the Cleveland Indians and the Demise of the Cleveland Buckeyes"
- Mayer, Bob - "The Asylum Baseball Club and Its Great Barnstorming Rivals"
- Peterson, Todd - "Can You Hear the Noise: The St. Paul Gophers, 1907-1911?"
- Revel, Layton - "Preserving the History of Black Baseball in America"
- Steverson, Bryan - "A Virginia Negro League All-Star Team: What Players? How Good? How Would They Compare?"
- Garrett, Thomas - "Barnstorming in Portsmouth: Oscar, Clowns, and Jesse"
- Harkness-Roberto, Michael - "Paige & the Traveling All-Stars"
- Lester, Larry - "Jud Wilson: Suicidal Superstar"
- Lester, Larry - "Leon Day: Pitcher by Day, Hitter by Night"
- Lester, Larry - "Ray Dandridge: Hot Corner Houdini"
- Marasco, David - "Satchel Gets Schooled"
Trivia Contest Winner:
- Dick Clark - Ypsilanti, MI
Fay Vincent Most Valuable Partner (MVP) Award:
- Mike Hartnagel - Wilmington, DE